Saturday, 22 August 2020

Gay Sex During COVID-19: Best current advice (August 2020)

Safe sex in the world of COVID-19. We desire it, we're told not to interact with others, we're confused. Sex is part of our everyday lives, but right now we need to keep safe. Physical intimacy can increase the risk of infection, as can touching surfaces and objects, and then touching our mouth or face. The coronavirus can be present in the mouth, hence kissing should be avoided. So what can we do to decrease these risks?

Here are some observations and recommendations from experts around the world:

Masturbation – knock yourself out with frequency and enthusiasm. It's currently the world's number one male exercise regime and it's a totally safe practice when done from your home without the aid of strangers. Look at some porn and let the jacking-off begin (as if you haven't already been wildly indulging yourself for weeks and months now). Add a sex toy or two for variety – but keep up the cleansing of them after every playtime.

Online virtual sex – how fantastic is Zoom, Skype, KIK, and all of the other live-streaming apps that we can use to watch and share our masturbation activities with new friends the world over. Totally safe sex. And don't forget that our biggest sex organ is our imagination, so add lots of erotic writing to that streaming scenario. More opportunities here for those toys too.

Glory Holes – who would ever have suspected that these would be viewed as a recommended safe sex facility during a pandemic. And the reason for the recommendation - it eliminates face-to-face contact.

Regular Partners – if they are within your home, keep up the regular sex you have been having. If they are regular fuck buddies who live externally to your home, it's your decision as to whether to keep playing with them or not. The experts seem to agree that with regular partners who consciously communicate with one another about their activities and their health, are in a low-risk situation. It's important to share health information if anything changes or if one of you visits a sex-on-premises establishment or one of you has anonymous sex with a stranger. Re-evaluate the situation every time before leaping into bed with your FB.

Abstinence from anonymous casual sexual partners – at the best of normal times we can't be sure of the background of any of our casual or anonymous sexual partners, so in this time of pandemic activity, we must assume that anyone you don't know the lifestyle or the current sexual history of is a potential carrier, a potential threat. This is a personal judgment you need to make for your own safety and ongoing health. Perhaps judge the potential risk of the virus devastation on your body against the short-term urge that is pressuring you in the balls. We can't always have what we want at the time we tell ourselves we need it. Patience and a preventative “no – I'm abstaining for the moment,“ will allow us to safely play with whoever we want once a vaccine arrives. And that's on the horizon.

Sex-on-Premises locations – First thing, don't go if you have any symptoms of the virus (see below). Think of your fellow gay and bi men and their health. We need to support one another if we are ever going to get back to our beloved 'normal' sex lives.
Then ask about what plans they have in place for your safety. All bathhouses/saunas should have a COVID-19 plan in place that states both your and their obligations to keep everyone as safe as possible. These plans could include compulsory wearing of masks, the venue supplying multiple dispensers of soap and hand sanitizers, patrons complying with local social distancing laws (especially when in chill-out or cinema areas) and, the venue undertaking regular deep cleaning all the public parts of the facility. Magazines and printed material will be absent and contactless payments in place of cash will be normal. Should there be an outbreak of the virus involving the facility, your name, address and contact number that you will compulsorily have given at check-in will be used for tracing and tracking. Shower frequently both before and after sex. Reduce the number of sexual partners and avoid extended kissing – saliva exchange is not a good thing. Avoid group sex with strangers – better to have sex with trusted men known to you. Rimming is as yet unproven as to whether the virus can remain active in stools, so best to avoid this activity for now. With amyl or poppers, only use your own bottle – don't share – and be aware of the possible effect on your respiratory system and how that could affect any virus recovery on your body.

Get tested – if you have any of these symptoms then get tested immediately, return to home without going anywhere else, wait at home until your results are confirmed. Do not share intimacy with others during this period (usually 24 – 72 hours). Classic symptoms include sore throat, fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny or blocked nose, headache, loss of smell or taste, diarrhoea, muscle aches and pains“. It's really important that you self-isolate until your results are known. This greatly reduces the chances of infecting others.

Stay Optimistic – this strange time will pass:
As one authority states “Obviously, this is not the first time our community has faced a health issue that has impacted our sexual pleasure and wellbeing. We are incredibly good at adopting effective health strategies - and that will be true of COVID-19. Let’s look out for ourselves and each other in a difficult time." 

I couldn't agree more.

Disclaimer: All advice and information given here on this blog is general in nature and non-specific to any individual, couple or group. You are encouraged to seek your own independent professional medical, psychological and counselling advice. No endorsement of unlawful actions is intended or implied  


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