Thursday, 22 November 2012

How To Douche For Men: A Simple Male Douching/Enema Guide For A Clean Chute

(From my book “The Versatile Husband”)

If you are going to present yourself as available for receiving anal sex then you need to prepare.

Douching is the act of inserting room temperature water into your anus and then emptying your bowel of all faeces so that the canal is clean.  After showering and soaping the outer anus this then opens up the options of penetrative anal sex and/or rimming (using his mouth and tongue to excite your anal nerve ends) without any unexpected surprises for the active partner.

There are a variety of douches available from a pharmacy / drugstore, or online.  The simplest and most convenient to use is the bulb with a short insertion nozzle. 

   ä    Insert a small amount of lubrication on the anal entrance

   ä    Into a hand basin add room temperature or lukewarm water

   ä    Squeeze syringe with the nozzle under the water to draw up the water into the bulb

   ä    Insert the nozzle into your anus and squeeze the water into the colon. (This is easiest whilst sitting on the toilet or lying on your back on a towel on the floor with your legs in the air

   ä    Clench buttocks to hold in the water.  Repeat several times until you feel that you can’t hold the water inside you much longer

   ä    Evacuate your colon. Wash and clean the nozzle.  Ideally a shower with soap and water should follow with additional soap cleansing the anal opening and just inside the colon

As the potential receiver of the rimming and/or his erect penis you are now ready for a great sexual treat. Your thoughtfulness and cleanliness will be greatly appreciated by your partner who will consequently be very enthusiastic towards giving you pleasure.

Note: An appreciative partner fully understands if you arrive at his home from a long day at work and want to spend a few minutes in the bathroom preparing. Tell him before you arrive and you’ll have no embarrassment from either party. A freshly cleaned colon tells your partner that you care and that you want to present yourself to him for not only your pleasure but for his as well. Removing any doubts about cleanliness means a hot sex session without any lingering doubts in the mind. Your sphincter will also be more relaxed and penetration with lubricant should be much easier and enjoyable for you both. 

Have fun!

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1 comment:

  1. I'd also recommend a quick and easy douche option using a shower hose - very useful when travelling.
    1. Unscrew the shower head from shower hose (you can normally do this by hand)
    2. Adjust the water temperature to tepid and to a medium pressure
    3. Hold the end of the hose against your anus while using your anal muscles to control the amount of water it lets in (don't overdo this!).
    4. You may need to expel some of the water and repeat
    5. Use the toilet to expel any remaining water (if you can hold it in place for a few minutes the results will be better)
    6. Replace the shower head
