Tuesday 9 September 2014

A Bruised Penis: Jerkoff / Group Masturbation Casualty

Recently a friend discussed with me the fact that he was not available for sex for a few days because he had a bruised penis. My curiosity was piqued. How could this happen?

Photo Copyright Peter Benn
His shaft was black and blue because he had been masturbated by an over-enthusiastic man (read: men) at a jack-off party.

My friend didn't feel pain whilst the wanking was taking place but the next morning when he went to pee he was horrified to see his best friend was looking decidedly different and worse for wear.

Men who have little experience in masturbating other men can sometimes be caught up in the sexual moment and abandon their own gentle wanking technique for speed, enthusiasm, rough handling and intense grip. This rough man-handling can result in broken blood vessels that appear as bruises. Rough handling can also result in the glans at the back of the penis head to become cut, torn or extremely sensitive and sore (this can also happen with bareback anal sex where lubrication was less than desirable or where there were traces of sharp feces remaining).

Photo Copyright Peter Benn
When masturbating another man, keep in mind how you like it yourself.

- use plenty of lubricant

- take time to move up and down the shaft. It's not a race

- avoid using an iron grip. Your man won't want to escape your efforts if you are bringing him pleasure

- be gentle when giving his shaft a twist either clockwise or anti-clockwise

- if you have hard skin or callouses anywhere on the hand use a moisturiser to soften them before commencing play

- cut your fingernails and smooth down any sharp edges

- as mentioned, the most sensitive part of the penis is the glans behind the head so use plenty of lube and gentle movements when playing there

Photo courtesy Tumblr
- he'll cum when he is ready even if this takes a little while longer than you anticipate. Continuing your gentle actions will ensure that he does. If the time becomes protracted and it becomes obvious to either of you that shooting is not going to eventuate there is no shame in simply stopping and having "time out" before recommencing

- a cock being masturbated can sometimes get too much of a good thing and become too sensitive to continue. Be alert to your man's needs and adjust your play to suit, or stop altogether

My friend with the bruising spent almost a week before the bruising went away of its own accord. He suffered no ill-effects or pain, and once his forced abstinence and embarrassment passed he was quickly back on the scene making up for lost time. Fortunately he didn't have a wife to explain it to! He also knew that a bruised black and blue penis would totally shock any potential sex partners into avoiding contact with him, hence the need to make himself sexually scarce.

Photo courtesy Tumblr
If bruising happens to you, seek immediate medical advice on the off-chance that your injury might be more severe than superficial.

And a final note: Don't expect all your partners to shoot a hot load of jizz as the culmination of your efforts. If you don't know your partner's medical history it's possible that a prostate operation has robbed him of the ability to ejaculate. However, he may climax internally. So be aware that seeing ejaculate shooting is not always a pre-requisite to a "happy ending".


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